Folk Instruments

Folk instruments

Folk instruments in Mid Sussex

If you are looking for folk instruments, contact Carousel Music. We have all types of folk instruments in our store.

Find your preferred folk instrument at our store

Whether you are looking for a banjo or a ukulele, contact Carousel Music. At our store, we stock a wide range of folk instruments. Walk into our store today and find the instrument that's been waiting for you!
modern sounds

Traditional and modern sounds

If you have a taste for traditional music, contact Carousel Music. We can help you create traditional sounds and music with our high-quality folk instruments.

Our musicians can also guide you in mastering any folk instrument that you want to learn. 
6 string banjo

Our stock of folk instruments

Currently, we have the following folk instruments in our stock: 
If there is a specific instrument on your mind, speak to our experts and we will see what we can do!
Walk into our store in Mid Sussex to find the traditional or folk instrument that you are looking for. Why not place a request for the item you're looking for and if we don't have it, we shall try our best to get it for you.
Shop now using our online store
Carousel Music has a stock of folk instruments in Mid Sussex. For more details, call us on 
01444 417 654
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