Sheet Music

Sheet music

Sheet music for all levels in Mid Sussex

We have one of the largest stocks of sheet music in Mid Sussex This includes all the ABRSM and Trinity exam music for many instruments as well as the lighter side of things.
We have a frequent ordering service and as long as the piece of music is in print we can quickly obtain it for you.
We also have a good selection of CDs in store and can take orders for most CDs.
Please come in the shop and browse.

Sheet music for exam pieces

Whether you are taking the ABRSM or Trinity music exams, contact Carousel Music. We keep all the graded exam  music in stock, including scales, sight reading and theory books.
If you just want to play for pleasure then we can help with that too with a huge variety of sheet music to choose, including choral works, operatic arias, pop songs, jazz etc. We have a frequent ordering service if you require  something not in stock. 

 We pride ourselves on being experts in every field when it comes to music, so why not trust us to repair your instruments? Call into our music store in West Sussex today.
Instrument repairs
music genres

Specific sheet music on order

If you are looking for a particular piece of music, contact Carousel Music. We not only stock sheet music for Trinity and ABRSM but also take orders for the books that you may require.

As long as the piece of music is in print, we can get any music piece that you require. Why not walk into our store and meet our qualified and experienced experts. Our store musician's provide professional and friendly advice.  We can help you find the music that you require.
Instrumental sheet music

Instrumental sheet music

We have a wide range of sheet music for a number of instruments including the following:
  • Piano
  • Keyboard 
  • Violin, viola, cello
  • Clarinet, flute, saxophone etc
  • Trumpet and other Brass Instruments
  • Vocal, choral, operatic, pop and much more!
We have sheet music for all types of music genres.
Frequent ordering service. Special discounts for teachers and choirs. Carousel Music stocks and takes personal orders for all music genres.
Shop now using our online store
Do you need sheet music for a music exam? Visit Carousel Music in Mid Sussex or call us on
01444 417 654
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